Lusya Manukyan

Plant Biologist, Deep Planet

About Lusya Manukyan

Hello, it's very nice to have you on my profile! I'm Lucy, a Laidlaw Alumna from the University of Oxford. I had the pleasure to join the Laidlaw Scholars network upon the completion of my research project into increasing crop yield through biotechnology and genetic modification. I am passionate about using the innovative potential of science and technology to address some of the greatest issues that the humanity is facing such as food security and climate change. I look forward to connecting with fellow Laidlaw Scholars who believe that it's time to take action and bridge the science-society gap!

I am a/an:

Alum: Undergraduate Leadership & Research Programme


University of Oxford

Research Topic

Biological Sciences

Area of Expertise

Leadership Science Technology

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Leadership & Research Laidlaw Scholars Alumni

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Mar 24, 2020

This is a very insightful article, Emma! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I really like the focus on being practical. This was touched upon over and over during the conference, and I do agree that in many cases great ideas do not have much impact simply because they are not applied in practice. 

I particularly agree with the point that we should not wait for someone else to promote us or give more responsibility, but to seek opportunities to do more ourselves. This is something that I am also trying to work on, especially as I try to make my first steps in the transition from university to work. And I'm very excited to be working on creating new opportunities in our newly forming collaboration - not just for us but also other scholars as well!