Complete your Profile
Help others on the Network get to know you by completing your profile! This is your opportunity to tell us about yourself and showcase your expertise.
To access your profile, click on the image on the top-right corner of the page and select "edit profile". Fill out the different fields in that page to connect with other users on the Network, and enhance your appeal to potential employers.
In the "Intro Content", please add a link to the research you did as a Laidlaw undergraduate scholar. If you are not an undergraduate scholar, consider pinning a piece of content such as a post, a video, or a video panel that you've either written or participated in.
Should you encounter any difficulties with adding your Avatar, or have any other question, please use the blue Assistant button on the bottom-right corner of the page. We are happy to help!
Search the Network
There are two ways to search the network.
The first involves using the green search toolbar in the homepage, which allows you to search by name, job title and organisation. If no results are displayed, please delete what you have typed and you will then be shown custom fields on the left-hand side of the page. These allow you to filter users by group, area of expertise, research topic and university.
The second involves searching the directories “All members” and “Universities & Partners”, which you can access on the left menu, by the "Laidlaw Scholars" logo. In the same way as the green toolbar on the homepage, directories allow you to filter content by custom fields, and to search users by their name, job title and organisation.
Post Content
After you set up your profile, you will be able to upload content. Please upload your research as a pdf ‘document’. You’re free to write ‘posts’ too, and any other content that you think will help and/or inspire users. Notably, it is not possible to add a document to a post, so please make sure that your documents are uploaded in a pdf format as “documents”.
When posting research, please select the channel ‘research’ and specify the area of research (also under channels), for example “social science”. In this way, your content will appear in the "research" carousel on the homepage, and in one of the four areas of research shown in the left menu. These include "Arts & Humanities", "Medicine & Health", "Social Sciences" and "STEM".
Badges allow you to specify the type of document (in grey) and topic of research (in colour). You’ll notice you can also add your research to a “room”.
Rooms are private spaces for scholars and alumni from a university or Laidlaw program. Once you set up your profile and specify your university, you will be added to a room. Please note that adding content to a room makes the content visible to members from that room only. This is why it is not advisable to add your research to a room.
It is also possible to make your content accessible to “members only”. You can make your content private to the network once it has been published by going to “my documents” or “my posts”, selecting “view”, “Admin” and setting the content to “Premium”.
Set Up a Video Panel
You can start a video panel in two ways, firstly you can click the 'start panel' button on someone's expert profile. Alternatively you can click on your avatar in the top right corner of the screen and select the 'My Video Panels' button.
You'll then be taken through to the main video panel page. Click on the 'Create a video panel' button and enter in a title for your panel. You then have the option to add up to 9 people to join the call but be aware that your invitees will need to be registered on the site.
The next step is to start your panel and click “join panel” to begin. You can re-use panels as many times as you like, for follow-up calls or regular meetings.
Don't forget to click 'record' at the top of the page if you want to capture the meeting and when you're done press 'stop recording' and then 'my recordings' to access the final product.
When you select your video on the left side of the screen you'll see that it's processing and this is nothing to worry about. The longer the recording the more processing there will be. While you're waiting for the processing you can enter your title, introduction and content below the video. You can also select a channel to add your content to and then press publish.
Join a Room
University and site administrators have the ability to invite other users to join a room. However, as a Laidlaw undergraduate scholar, MBA scholar or alumni, you are able to request to be added to a Room. To do this, please click on the GoSquared Assistant on the bottom-right hand of the page and write to us. We are happy to help and will respond to your message as soon as possible.
Members & Contributors
The difference between members and contributors is that members are not authorised to publish content in a Room, whereas contributors can add content. This is why it is possible for a room to have many contributors and no members, and vice-versa.
Notification & Newsletter Emails
You are able to manage your Laidlaw Scholars Network account by accessing your account settings, where you can change your email or password, access your notification preferences or delete your account.
You’re in charge of your Notification Preferences, which include the emails you would and would not like to receive from the Laidlaw Scholars Network.
Newsletters are round-ups of expertise from the Network that you can activate and deactivate. Once activated, you will be able to select the option to receive a newsletter email daily, weekly or monthly.