About Maria Valenstain
I am an undergraduate Laidlaw Scholar studying Philosophy and Politics at the University of York. I am very interested in climate education. My project investigates collective responsibility regarding climate change in the primary years of school.
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Calling all Laidlaw social sciences scholars!
Book/Show/Podcast Recommendation- March 2021
Hey friends! As many of us are still in isolation and trying to cope with all that uni work, I thought I would share some recommendations on my favourite Books/Shows/Podcasts this month! Please feel free to leave your recommendations below!
Call for UK teachers in Primary education!
I am looking for UK teachers in primary education to conduct qualitative-40 minute Zoom interviews on environmental education!
The struggle for productivity in times of isolation and social change
I am now entering the 4th week of my research project and these are my thoughts until now.
Recent Comments
Sounds very interesting!
This looks so interesting!
Hey, I'm more than happy to be a part of this!
This looks so amazing Miriam! Thank you for conducting research on such an important topic!
Thanks for the useful tips Maria!
My research project investigates the application of the philosophical concept of existentialism in climate change policy and whether it can shift the mentality of policy makers and enable them to take radical action against climate change.
Maybe not by policy makers, but through some collective sublimation - the turning creative of (existential) angst - of ressentiment (see Nietzsche) by those who have no part but have to live with the consequences. For a more expansive exploration of who 'those' are, the rather recent book by Bruno Latour Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climatic Regime may be helpful to you. Good luck for your project!
Hey Julian, thanks so much for your comment!
Since I wrote the introduction, I have changed course and not only looking at policy makers but the whole society and also the policy-making process in a more holistic way! Thank you for pointing it out though, I had forgotten to change my introduction.
Also thank you very much for the recommendation, I will definitely check everything out!