Join an Exclusive Accelerator for Ethnic Minority Founded Businesses

Join the MSDUK Accelerator, sponsored by Unilever, Dow, WPP, and Google
Join an Exclusive Accelerator for Ethnic Minority Founded Businesses


Calling all diverse entrepreneurs in the UK! Your opportunity to level the playing field, the 4-month programme is designed to accelerate your results and connect you with global brands. 

Sponsored by Unilever, Dow, WPP, and Google, the MSDUK Accelerator is:

  • Equity- and cost-free support for 4 months acceleration programme starting in October
  • Expert insights from our sponsors and 80+ corporates in out network and B2B businesses on subject like procurement and pilot opportunities
  • Hands-on learning from diverse facilitators, experts-in-residence, mentors and investors championing ethnic minority founders 
  • Follow-on support from MSDUK, the leading organisation supporting ethnic minority-owned businesses 

Limited places available to allow bespoke engagement.

Apply by 31 August here:

If you have any questions, please contact the team at

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