Zachary Vincent (He/Him)

Laidlaw Scholar, University of St Andrews
Lily O'Sullivan

Student, Cambridge University

I love indigenous textiles and am keenly interested in art as a mode of activism and storytelling. Drawing from an interdisciplinary framework including ethnic studies, anthropology, and critical theory, I broadly interrogate nationhood, citizenship, statelessness, and the distribution of rights. As a scholar, I hope to make my life a material of storytelling, resisting injustice, creatively weaving community and voices — seeking life with questions, wandering while film-making, and photography to capture spatial temporality.
Mateo Guzmán Subiría

Student, University of St Andrews

Hi everybody. I am Mateo. I am an Experimental Physics graduate from the University of St Andrews. I am a curious, talkative and reflective individual with a love for telling and hearing stories. I am from Peru, but have moved around quite a bit having lived in Equatorial Guinea, England and now Scotland. I consider having such a multicultural background a very nourishing and essential part of my being. Consequentially, I love travelling and learning languages, and I am always happy to connect with people from all walks of life and parts of the world. When I am not busy demystifying the rules of the universe, I enjoy dancing, cooking, walking and analysing movies. I also love programming and its applications for simulating real-world physics and processing large amounts of day-to-day data. In June, I will be graduating with an Integrated Masters in Physics, however, I aspire to develop professionally outside of academia possibly in the field of data analytics. I am happy to connect with any Scholars! 
Leonardo Vilardo

Civil Engineering Student, UCL

Hi! I'm Leo and I study Civil Engineering at University College London. My research project focused on integrating location-based datasets - one of the best ways to understand spatial matters and, thus, develop better decisions and policies. This is crucial to creating smarter and more sustainable cities, a topic I'm really interested in. I am passionate about improving infrastructure and addressing inequality, particularly social-environmental sustainability in urbanism and transportation. I aim to continue working in this field and collaborating with NGOs, so feel free to reach out if our interests align!
Madeline Beck

Student, Tufts University

Sophomore at Tufts University interested in art history and international relations. Passionate about the intersection of law and art. 
Ghita Amrani

Student , EPFL

Pianist and learning enthusiast. Tremendously interested in Robotics and its various applications.
Alannah Maxwell

Undergraduate student, Trinity College Dublin

I am currently an undergraduate PPES student at Trinity College Dublin. I have chosen the Joint Honours Pathway, specialising in Political Science and Sociology.  My research project for summer one, titled "Sporting Bonds: Can sporting programmes properly facilitate the meaningful integration of migrant and host communities in Ireland?", concerns the efficacy of community-led integrative programmes that use sport as a means of blurring inter-cultural barriers and bringing together diverse communities. I will be working with Sport Against Racism Ireland, an established Irish NGO that delivers various sporting programmes aimed at facilitating and implementing anti-discrimination practices in Irish communities.  In my spare time I enjoy playing football and basketball, reading, and wandering around taking photos of things I see. 
Tarika Sodhi

Student, Laidlaw Scholar, Durham University

Phoebe Woo

Student, HKU

Chung Chui Shan

Student, The University of Hong Kong

Lain Nelson

Student, Cornell University

Lain is an undergraduate majoring in computer science and Cornell's College Scholar Program, where they study inclusive natural language processing. They intend to graduate in 2026. Lain grew up in New York City. They love performing, and have been onstage at Carnegie Hall, Madison Square Garden and Citi Field. They also love to learn from others and will happily engage in intellectual conversations (especially when someone else is excited). They hope to work in making AI more inclusive. Here is a little introductory video made for the Cornell Laidlaw Program.
Callysta Raissa Sugiarto

Student, The University of Hong Kong

Alison Mary Carless

Student, University of Cambridge

Paula Bernasconi Vargas

Partnership developer, Makesense americas

Celina O'Connor (she/her)

Student Developer (Leadership), University of St Andrews

Nicolas Robson

MSc in Microengineering, EPFL

Hi, I'm Nicolas, a Micro-Engineering student at EPFL (Switzerland) who loves a nice conversation and helping out.  As part of EPFL's 2023 Laidlaw Cohort, I spent my Research internship using robotics to study honeybees, then doing my LiA developing robotics solutions to help protect the Great Barrier Reef. Feel free to contact me for anything, from nanotechnologies and robotics to flyfishing :)
Emma Hwang

Undergraduate Researcher, University of Toronto

Nicole Entin

Student, University of St Andrews

I am a Scholar from the 2022 cohort at the University of St Andrews, pursuing an MA (Joint Hons) in English and Art History. My areas of interest include nineteenth and early twentieth-century art and literature, with a particular focus on the Victorian and Modernist periods. My Laidlaw research project was on 'Alfred Tennyson's Idylls of the King and Other Poems Illustrated by Julia Margaret Cameron: challenges to gender roles and tradition in the formation of Victorian artistic and literary legacies.' This interdisciplinary project presented the overlooked contributions of a female photographer in one of the most dynamic transitory periods in art and literature. Using Cameron's edition of Tennyson's Idylls as a case study that focuses on the female gaze as a 'translator' of the male poetic voice, this project aimed to understand how this work challenged traditional views of art, literature, and gender roles. I was honoured to have been awarded 'Best Poster in the Arts Faculty' for the research poster that I created based on my project. My Leadership in Action project has taken some of the core ideas from my self-defined research project and seeks to apply them in educational settings. I am partnering with local schools and non-profit arts organisations in Scotland to create workshops that promote widening access in the arts and the many benefits of creative engagement to young people facing disadvantages in education. These dynamic, hands-on workshops are oriented around the idea of finding personal connections to the art and literature of the past and promoting its accessibility and contemporary relevance.
Otilia Rose-Marie Meden

Student, University of St Andrews