Week 3!

This week was short lived as I contracted e.coli right in the beginning...
Week 3!

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I was excited approaching Week 3 knowing it would be filled with various training sessions and planning for our final project! However, I was met with sleepless nights, isolation, and almost 8 hours at the hospital. While this might not seem like a great experience, and definitely does not stand out as one of my better ones during my time in Medellin, it gave me quality time with our wonderful program co-coordinator, Evelyn, a chance to practice Spanish with my doctors, and a better understanding of what I should and should not be eating (street empanadas belong on the should-not list). It also made me appreciative of the time I have gotten to spend with my friends, because this week without them was hard as I missed their presence. It showed me how truly grateful I am for this opportunity to be here in Medellin with this incredible group of people, and how excited I am about my project. I really hope I recover quickly and am able to start my work back up again! Hopefully weeks 4, 5, and 6 will have less surprises :)

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Go to the profile of Ella Buckley
over 1 year ago

So glad you're recovered now Bella, and so glad you could find something positive about the hospital experience! 

Go to the profile of Rachel Clarke
over 1 year ago

Missed you so much in isolation! Glad that you still managed to learn things this week, but glad to have you back and learn alongside you!