LiA Week 5 Reflection


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What went well?

The progress I made; what was achieved and done

I assisted a scholar in teaching website design. Although I had prior experience with Wix, I had no experience with HTML and CSS coding. Again, I picked up quickly through a crash course and was able to assist.

What could have been done differently?

Things that did not get done and/or could be changed

The scholar put the student with special education needs with another student who picked up the skills quickly. In this way, that other student could help answer simple questions from the student with SENs. This gave us more time to assist other students. We could have practiced it for the previous weeks.

What did I learn about myself when working with others?

Contributions, behaviours and values I exhibited

I realized my workstyle is more spontaneous and responsive to present changes when compared to others. My fellow scholar had a detailed teaching plan, while mine is more like an estimate. I should cherish my strength in being flexible and resilient, while trying to improve on my ability to plan and schedule more complicated activities.

What did I learn about leadership?

Leadership attributes and insights I developed

As the leader, acting confident makes your teammates confident. We had lots of sudden changes this week, such as the cancellation of field trips and guest speakers sharing. My fellow scholar who led the module remained calm, which made me feel assured as well. I realized the actions and qualities displayed by a leader greatly affect the teammates. They can be more influential than words.

What do I want to develop or focus on next?

What I still need to develop

I need to improve my time management skills. We have more social activities this week, such as a weekend trip to New York. With the working time unchanged, I spent less time sleeping and became more tired during more work time. I ended up relying on coffee, which solved the issue with a cost to my physical health. I should learn to manage my time better.

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