Research Essay - Inquiry into the utilisation of optimistic reflection on our better nature as a means of positive influence.
This research essay follows my 2023 project, which was guided by the question: "Can prosocial behaviour, attitudes and aspirations be fostered by sustained exposure to the portrayal of human nature as innately altruistic?"
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This paper explores the relationship between children's beliefs about human nature and their engagement in prosocial behaviour. Drawing inspiration from Zhuojun Yao and Robert Enright's study, "Belief in altruistic human nature and prosocial behaviour,” this research expands upon their findings by examining changes in the behaviour and attitudes of children after sustained exposure to positive ideas about human nature within an educational context. Employing a mixed-methods approach, this study involves quantitative analysis of questionnaires, along with qualitative exploration through activities, interviews, and conversations. Despite encountering challenges during the research process, this study provides valuable insights into potential avenues for educational and policy advancements. It also underscores the significance of clear strategies and approaches aimed at fostering prosocial attitudes, not merely within young individuals, but in, and for, society as a whole.
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