Gabriel Rowland (He/Him)

Student, University of Leeds

About Gabriel Rowland

I am an undergraduate student at the University of Leeds studying BSc Environmental Science. I am particularly interested in climate change - the science behind it and its impacts, biodiversity and ecology, and sustainable development. I am also currently partaking in a Year in Industry placement at Network Rail working for the Environment and Sustainable Development team. My Laidlaw Research was on the reintroduction of beavers in Scotland, looking at attitudes towards them and trying to understand why they are illegally killed. This particularly interested me as it is vital to understand local opinions on wildlife to succeed in reintroductions and rewilding schemes. For my Laidlaw Leadership Development, I was lucky enough to spend a summer with Think Pacific on an Environment and Sustainable Development project in Fiji. Outside of work and study, I enjoy food (cooking and eating it), as well as sports like powerlifting (which allow me to eat lots without any negatives!), and exploring new places and nature sites.

I am a/an:

Undergraduate Leadership & Research Scholar


University of Leeds

Laidlaw Cohort Year


Research Topic

Agriculture Climate Change Climate Studies Earth Sciences & Geography Ecology Environmental Geoscience Geography Nutrition Sustainability

Area of Expertise


I am from:

United Kingdom

I speak:


My hobbies/interests are:

Cooking/Baking Cycling Gym Hiking/walking Nature & environment Outdoor sports Pets Travelling

I am open to participating in mentoring/buddy programmes


Intro Content

Quantifying and Understanding the Killing of Reintroduced Beavers in Scotland Poster

I am a 2021/22 Laidlaw Scholar, currently studying an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science at the University of Leeds. This poster summarises the research I helped carry out in the first summer of the scholarship. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

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University of Leeds