Feifei Hung (She/Her)

Laidlaw Undergraduate Scholar, Cornell University
  • People
  • United States of America

About Feifei Hung

I'm a junior at Cornell University majoring in Government, History, and China & Asia Pacific Studies, and minoring in Law & Society and Information Science. Coming from Hong Kong and Taiwan, I have a very strong research interest in US-China relations and the Taiwan security problem. I will be working on the topic of the impact of the US-China relations on semiconductor supply chain disruption, and its implication to Vietnam's emerging economy. This summer, I will be working as a research intern for the Cornell Emerging Markets Institute, gaining hands-on experience in using databases like Capital IQ, SDC Platinum, and Bloomberg. 

I am a/an:

Undergraduate Leadership & Research Scholar


Cornell University

Laidlaw Cohort Year


Research Topic

Chinese Studies Economics International Relations

I am from:

Hong Kong Taiwan

I speak:

English Mandarin

My hobbies/interests are:

Travelling Video/filmmaking

I am open to participating in mentoring/buddy programmes


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Cornell University