Carolyn Martinez

Student , Columbia University
  • People
  • United States of America
Nikol Chen

Design and Development Manager, Laidlaw Foundation

Hello! I've been part of the Laidlaw Foundation for over 4 years, working on strengthening our global community and broadening our initiatives aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty, reducing inequality, and cultivating a new generation of leaders. I'm currently completing a Masters in Anthropology & Professional Practice at UCL, delving into my passion for using ethnographic research and design thinkig to effect systemic change, particularly in the education sector. My journey in design has been diverse, beginning with graphic design, transitioning into UX/UI and service design, and now evolving into strategic design and innovation.  Originally from the vast steppes of Kazakhstan 🇰🇿, I pursued my undergraduate degree in Human Sciences at UCL. I'm an avid swimmer, an obsessive podcast listener, and a dancer with two left feet and a whole lot of spirit. Let's connect and chat—drop me a line and find me on LinkedIn! 💬👀
Ariella Lang

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Director of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, Columbia University

I am a cultural historian by training, and I oversee undergraduate research and fellowships at Columbia. I also have the pleasure of serving as the coordinator of Columbia's Laidlaw program. Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions about coming to Columbia to pursue research and/or community engagement!