Leadership for Dummies
A popular definition of leadership which I encountered most often during my Laidlaw Programme was… that leadership means many different things to different people in different contexts. Therefore, in this essay I will talk strictly about my experience, which, while subjective, definitely fits the “definition” above. I am glad to admit that I see great progress in my understanding of leadership, although the greatest changes, as perhaps usually in such cases, took place where I least expected them. I hope to deconstruct this process and analyse the factors that brought me to the place where I am today.
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It was such an exciting and useful read, Ania! Thank you for sharing your reflection on personal development as a scholar - I feel that a lot of it resonates with my own thoughts :)
Thank you! I believe that an honest conversation and admitting some insecurities can be powerful in changing how other sholars will enter their scholarship :)