Exploring Observation as a Nudge to Inform Economic Theories About Prosocial Decision-Making by Ruhani Walia

This summer has been an incredibly rewarding experience! I'm elated to share my paper and findings.

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A widely understood concept in the field of behavioural economics is nudge theory. Developed by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein, it predicts outcomes that are highly correlated with context, explaining how an environmental feature can influence our decisions. Building on heuristics research by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, nudge theory was initially developed as an ethical concept to improve society. However, firms have found ways to use it for profit maximization, such as including nudges in advertisements.

Contrastingly, this research paper focuses on how nudge theory may minimize resistance and maximize positive change using social normative influences. Specifically, I aim to test the impact of (1) adding observation and (2) removing anonymity (by adding linkability). To further explore the former, three types of observation are tested: live streaming choices, recording choices and having subjects say their choices aloud.

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