Reflection: 2024 North American Laidlaw Scholars Annual Student Conference

Attending the Laidlaw Scholars Conference in New York was deeply an invaluable and insightful experience for me as an undergraduate student, immersing myself in an environment where enthusiastic scholars around the globe interacted with one another. I was especially honoured to be one of the speakers in the poster symposium, having the opportunity to present my research findings on the effects of singing-based training on older people with visual impairments. Conducting research itself was solely the first step making an impact, and only by sharing the research findings with other scholars, gathering perspectives from scholars of diverse educational backgrounds, and integrating our insights on future research directions can we make a far-reaching impact. And that was what the Laidlaw research was meant to be. The theme of curiosity also inspired me to constantly step out of my comfort zone and explore the unknown ahead, which is indispensable as a future leader who embraces and tackles challenges to strive for improvements. Participating in the conference this November was truly an unforgettable experience, for me to grow, learn, and thrive.
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