Happy Pentecost! Celebration is one of the key foundations of life in the Chemin Neuf community, and the Abbey des Dombes has certainly been celebrating this weekend. On Saturday, the Abbey welcomed over 100 individuals from the region affiliated with Chemin Neuf in some way - priests, freres and soeurs, working professionals, families, and retirees alike. The groups came together in the afternoon for discussion and activities, and then we all shared a potluck-style meal that spilled out of the dining room into the hallways of the Abbey. After dinner, we gathered in the church for an evening of song and dance.
I was struck by just what a wide array of people were gathered together. Truly, I could not think of many other instances where people of so many backgrounds not only are in the same place but are sharing a meal, getting to know one another, forming relationships, and building a true community, with almost no hierarchical divisions. This type of community is a place where members can truly receive support in times of need, and it has led me to ask, what would our society look like if there were more groups like it? How would our society be different if there were more places where children could be cared for by a true village of adults, or where young people and older adults could come together as equals, or where people experienced connection outside of their immediately familiar circles? This weekend has made the value of community-building abundantly clear to me.
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