Discussion post I: The impacts of AI

The concept of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is now everywhere! Let's discuss about its impacts and its future particularly in STEM.
Discussion post I: The impacts of AI

Artificial Intelligence

The concept of AI is now everywhere! Artificial intelligence sometimes called machine intelligence, is the intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals [1]. Today, a large amount of data can be generated and humans may find it hard to interpret and make decision based on the data. Computers are efficient in basing on this data and come up with best decision. AI is the foundation of future decision making.

AI plays an important role in healthcare, medicine, Engineering... For example:

  • With AI, doctors can find the right treatments among many options for cancer,
  • AI helps physicians identify & choose the right drugs for the right patients [2],
  • … 

Even though, there is a long list of the importance of AI, some engineers are worried that their jobs will be taken over by machines, the constant need to update the software and hardware in order to meet the latest requirements (which actually requires time) and some other worries. But also, a report from the University of Oxford states that science and engineering professions are the least threatened and will experience great benefits from artificial intelligence tools.

What do you think is the future of AI? Which positive impacts did you like about AI? COMMENT BELOW!


[1] S. Ziyad, “Artificial Intelligence Definition, Ethics and Standards,”[online],April 2019, available: Artificial Intelligence Definition, Ethics and Standards,

[2]H.Essam, “Importance of Artificial intelligence in healthcare and medicine,”[online], July 2019, available: Importance of Artificial intelligence in healthcare and medicine

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