Week FIVE - Near the END...

This week, we combined all the data collected from the questionnaire to begin the analysis process. Transferring the data from Microsoft Forms to Excel to create the needed graphs was somewhat challenging.
This is the most interesting part of the project because I have the chance to think seriously about the findings and what they mean. It really allows for the hard work to speak for itself through interpretations and judgments.
During this process, I needed to develop an analytical framework to analyse the data. After examining many different frameworks and becoming boggled, I concluded that I should use thick descriptions. So, many may wonder what this framework is and why it fits for this project… It is a type of framework for discussion of having both forms of data gathering and analysis occurring at the same time. Creating the graphs and then choosing which ones were needed to be part of the research was based on the project title. In the questionnaire, the questions asked were from gathering general background information on the student and then questions related to the project title.
When analysing the graphs, it was important to look at what was being presented in the data and then compare it to the literature review information that I did research on in the first week. It was very intriguing to see how the data collected was very much within the aims of the project. I will not divulge into the results, as they can be found in a research paper.
It was very interesting to understand how to analyse the data and bring it into the research. It really felt like the project was my own. At the challenging times, it felt hard to understand the purpose of it but when seeing the results and learning all I needed to know about the project came to light during this time. It felt daunting to think I’d be able to complete or see the finish line and how I’d become accustomed to all these new skills. It required better time management and being organised by planning and trying to stay on top of the project while doing my degree at the same time. By really diving into the project and always being asked by my supervisor, ‘What do you want to achieve?’ I reminded myself that the project was my own and I learnt so much. The project title and the aims of the research made me realise that I do have a purpose in doing the research and that it is not ‘something’ I have to do, but I want to do and try to make a difference with the results for a bigger picture.
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