Hunger and Food - Proposal


Hunger and Food – presentation + proposal


What is the problem?


  • Lack of food accessibility globally
  • Unstainable farming techniques
  • Climate change leading to poor agriculture
  • Food prices rising
  • Education around agricultural jobs


Why is it the most important one to address?


Food is a human right and is vital for human life. While we recognize the systemic issues which impacts food security, we believe that short impact is important.


What would a perfect LiA look like?


  • Immediate help AND help make impact towards long term sustainability
  • Improve education on climate-resilient farming methods for food security
  • In field research and synergy with the locals towards sustainable farming
  • Continuous feedback and brainstorming by scholars on existing projects


Who is already in the space with whom we could partner with?


Practical Action – no information on their website for volunteers so we can seek to open up a partnership with the NGO. Practical Action works with local communities rather than shipping in overseas volunteers so ensuring volunteers aren’t dead weight is essential.


Contact info: 01926 634400 or



What is our proposal to them?

12 fully funded scholars working per project infield, bringing new perspectives and an extra pair of hands to help out for six weeks. Flexible, adaptable and committed scholars looking to volunteer towards making a sustainable change that aligns with the morals of Practical Action and of the Laidlaw Foundation. Comprehensive training is provided to the scholars covering practical and cultural aspects of the leadership in action project.

The Laidlaw Foundation works towards making a big sustainable change in the world. A group of volunteers will provide a valuable cultural exchange enriching both the local community but also the scholars themselves – it will provide a valuable lesson for the scholars and will enable them to impact the community in a positive way.

Some examples include the projects active in “Pumpkins Against Poverty” in Bangladesh and “Planting for Progress” in Zimbabwe. Scholars can help spread education on sustainable farming methods and also help out with manual work in agriculture when they’re educated.

The scholars understand that as, Practical Action is a small charity, the same projects may not be available every year and that each project’s capacity will change, but we know that Laidlaw scholars have the flexibility and humility to adapt to the changing situations, and willing to work where help is most needed.


Who should own this?

The Laidlaw Foundation administers the project in partnership with Practical Action running it internally, which scholars can apply to.


What is the ask of the foundation?

  • Funding
  • Allocation to pre-defined project
  • Training before the leadership-in-action project (non-expertise)
  • Facilitate scholars’ access to training when at LiA
  • Support for scholars (within UK and during project)
  • Support for Practical Action when the scholars are at the project


More information can be found at Who we are - Practical Action.






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Go to the profile of Susanna Kempe
over 1 year ago

Excellent proposal Gulana, clearly and compellingly argued. How did you choose Practical Action? Does anyone know them at all? Thanks!